Being pregnant or thinking you may be brings a range of mixed emotions at the best of times. If your circumstances have left you feeling anxious, confused or just needing someone to talk to then contact the Innocents.
We are here to help because we care. We offer a Free Confidential Service aimed at providing a caring alternative to abortion. Our house office is manned by fully trained counsellors who are at hand to assist all mothers-to-be regardless of their age, race, background, religion or marital status.
Since the 1970's, the Innocents has helped countless women who felt that abortion was the only way to solve their problems. In many ways, abortion appears to be the short term solution. This solution however, often creates long term problems.
We believe that all human life is precious from the moments of conception and that abortion is the taking of a human life. Often individual cirumstances makes pregnancy a time of worry for many women. Society today promotes the killing of the unborn child as the easy and obvious remedy to an unwanted pregancy. Just like removing a tooth that causes the ache.
No one can make up your mind for you. 'The Innocents' operate on the principle of 'Self Determination'. In other words, we give YOU the information then YOU make an informed choice. We do not only help women thinking about abortion. If you are happy to be pregnant but need material support, we will help you all we can.
For many years we have been providing our caring alternative to abortion. This has lead to many small lives being saved.
"My husband left me with my two boys, no home, no money and pregnant with my third child. There was no way I could have this baby and I asked a friend to recommend an abortion clinic. She suggested I speak to The Innocents. Thank God she gave me this advice. From day one the Innocents understood my position and helped me to cope. Every time I look at my wee boy, I think of the terrible mistake I nearly made". Jane
Prayer for Life Grant us, Oh Lord, a new appreciation of the sanctity of human life. Show us how to make our Society, one in which no child is unwanted, no adult feels abandoned, and the pressures which lead to abortion, no longer exist. Grant Lord that those who acknowledge the sanctity of life, will be inspired by your son to lead a life of sanctity. Amen.