Our 2012 conference, titled Love Life 2, was attended by mainly fourth year pupils from St Maurice’s (Cumbernauld), St Andrew’s and St Brides (East Kilbride), Our Lady’s High School (Motherwell) and Fernhill High School (Rutherglen).
Introductions and compèring was done by Fr. Stephen Reilly and the speakers began with Monica McGhee who shared her personal story, which the pupils described as “honest, interesting and brave”.
After refreshments the topic of The Theology of the Body was explained by Fr. John Keenan, who is the chaplain from Glasgow University. It was said he took a “very difficult concept, put in a way I understood”. This message, from Blessed John Paul II, tackles the issues of love and relationships.
The last of the speakers were Rebecca and Tim from Youth Defence, Ireland. They gave an energetic account of the active role these young people take in defending the unborn. One pupil stated “they made me see that every child deserves a chance”.
Prayer for Life Grant us, Oh Lord, a new appreciation of the sanctity of human life. Show us how to make our Society, one in which no child is unwanted, no adult feels abandoned, and the pressures which lead to abortion, no longer exist. Grant Lord that those who acknowledge the sanctity of life, will be inspired by your son to lead a life of sanctity. Amen.