Given the very sensitive area with which we deal, it is imperative that those who volunteer to become counsellors receive the best in education and training from our in-house training team; a lecturer in, and practitioner of counselling, and a lawyer, doctor and moral theologian also contribute to the training programme.
Counsellors come from all walks of life and belong to varied age groups. All aspiring counsellors require to undergo a period of training, evaluation and supervised practice. This training period normally lasts for a year, after which the probationer counsellor will work with an experienced counsellor for a further year.
During this time, the trainees will have received presentations on counselling, with emphasis on areas like confidentiality, acceptance, non-judgemental attitude and the right of the client to make her own choices and decisions; they will have studied the development of the baby in the womb, have had input on legal, medical and moral questions and will have been involved in role play sessions which are evaluated by practising counsellors from outwith the Society. Trainees are also assessed on the course content.
A celebration brings the year's training to an end, with very relieved probationary counsellors looking forward to putting their newly acquired skills to use in real life situations.
For further information on becoming a counsellor please contact us.
Prayer for Life Grant us, Oh Lord, a new appreciation of the sanctity of human life. Show us how to make our Society, one in which no child is unwanted, no adult feels abandoned, and the pressures which lead to abortion, no longer exist. Grant Lord that those who acknowledge the sanctity of life, will be inspired by your son to lead a life of sanctity. Amen.