Our annual school’s conference was held on 28th September 2018 in Motherwell Football Club. This successful event was attended by four schools: St. Maurice’s H.S., Cumbernauld, St. Andrew’s and St. Brides H.S., East Kilbride, Fernhill School, Rutherglen and Trinity H.S., Rutherglen.
There were about 70 young people and eight adults in attendance listening to our speakers. These were Emmett Dooley from S.P.U.C. who spoke about ‘The Human Experience’ which consisted of determining the stage at which the baby is considered to be classed as a human being.
This was followed by the participants splitting into groups, supported by young people from S.P.U.C., to carry out a workshop activity discussing the qualities that they considered important in a partner. The young people contributed to this with enthusiasm and were enlightened to observe the range of characteristics identified by each other.
The final presentation was carried out by Fr. Michael Kane and was titled ‘Theology of the Body’. This focussed on self-respect and originated from the reflections of St. John Paul II emphasising the theme of love as self-gift, it counteracts social trends which view the body as an object of pleasure or a machine for manipulation.Fr Michael’s talk engaged the young people, who then posed some challenging questions leading to respectful discussions.
The hosts of Motherwell F.C. provided an excellent venue and outstanding support on the day. Next year’s conference is currently being organised for September 2019. Any schools wishing to attend should contact us.
Prayer for Life Grant us, Oh Lord, a new appreciation of the sanctity of human life. Show us how to make our Society, one in which no child is unwanted, no adult feels abandoned, and the pressures which lead to abortion, no longer exist. Grant Lord that those who acknowledge the sanctity of life, will be inspired by your son to lead a life of sanctity. Amen.